Platform: Raspian, Linux <hostname> 4.9.35-v7+ #1014 SMP Fri Jun 30 14:47:43 BST 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux
If SMS comes in, the filename in eventhandler and the folder looks like /home/sms/spool/incoming_copy/smsserver.07aBp8
The filename in /home/sms/spool/incoming/smsserver.2017-08-21.zKVjqD had a different filename with the wanted date in it; but also a different extention. The filename in the incoming_copy-folder would not "renamed" after all. No difference between "normal SMS" and "REPORTs".
Sometimes, e.g. after complete processing a M2M-task, it is neccessary to handle both incoming files, e.g. for removing or archiving. No big deal, but you have alway open both files for searching message_id and phonenumber instead handle both files by filename.
Is there something I'v done wrong?