Hi all,
I have a big problem.
I installed SMS Tools3 on my Computer. Everything runs excellently.
But now I would like to do the following.
I´m receiving the following SMS from my GPS Tracker System
Now need a Script to read this iformation from the SMS.
and send it to a Webserver. Like this.
The Webserver ist not runnning on the same Computer. It´s running
in the Internet.
So i need a Script that will take the information from the SMS and send it to the PHP script at the Webserver. After the PHP Script get the data,
I can see the Position on a Google Map on this webserver.
After a long time sarching with google , I get no solution.
But maybe someone can help me. Or can telme how to do this.
But sorry i´m only a normal user, not a Specialist
Many thanks for your help in advance